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Thursday, February 6, 2014

My Heart

Been home today trying to recoup from some kind of bug. But I'm on the mend! While my body was resting my mind was running all over the place!
As I am running this race and I've been shown more direction, I'm seeing more and more of Gods heart. Today I've been praying not just for the women who will be attending the conference in May, but also women I'm in contact with everyday! One thing that has been on my heart today is being more aware of outside myself and more on others. Sometimes it's easy to be selfish and more concerned with my own circumstances!
Most of my friends know how I LOVE getting good seats at events! Almost to the anxiety mode that will overcome me before heading to the event! It's so easy to be focused on a particular thing, person, or how we feel.... That we miss out and overlook someone right beside us that needs our attention.
I want women who cross my path to feel loved and encouraged..... not overlooked or to feel left out!
I know I've been on both ends! The girl who was new at a church, school, or job and was sensitive enough to notice the subgroups already made and those who had no desire to let me in. The sad part is I have also been that person who was so comfortable in the place and didn't want to be concerned about getting out of my comfort zone to reach out to others!
All God wants is my heart! I know that when I'm giving Him all of me, He can help clear my focus and see through His eyes.
My prayer is that whether at the conference or in everyday life..... that I'm looking around me and encouraging others through my words, actions, and selfless acts.


  1. You are well on your way to encouraging others with this blog - I love stopping by for my dose of encouragement. Thank you!

    1. Thank you!! I'm so glad we get to reconnect through this!:) I enjoy getting to write the posts and when I am typing, I have you all in my mind and just pretend you're sitting here with me!
