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Tuesday, January 28, 2014


These snow days are providing so much time to read and soak up Jesus' word and words of others He is using! Sunday at church Andrew our pastor, talked to us about one of the biggest excuses of not reaching our dreams/goals is: I want to but I will LATER!!
Starting is the biggest step! Fear, insecurities, and feeling unworthy are the many emotions that flood over us! Sometimes they overflow and we can't step one foot in front of the other.
This month I'm so thankful how God is helping me take some big leaps!! As I'm running this race God has set before me.... I catch myself looking over my shoulder waiting for something to derail me. "Good things are happening! They can't last long right? When is the bomb going to drop?"
What lies we are fed when the devil makes us think these things! We sabotage ourselves before we even begin.
So my friends, one thing I am finding that is helping shut those lies and helping me keep running is setting my eyes on Him. If I'm looking behind or to the side while running, I'm going to trip and lose my way. Another is sharing with my community of friends! When I become transparent and share my thoughts and fears, they are quickly encouraged and allows me to see more clearly.
My hearts desire is for you and I to be the best runners we can and pursuing our dreams. We were created to run!!
So start today where you are and do what you can today!

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