I've had many conversations with friends lately of how it's hard to balance time! I know even as I'm spending a lot of time preparing and prepping for the women's conference that other areas in my life are getting neglected! I listened to a podcast today(I'll have the link in my shout out Wednesdays tomorrow) and I loved when Lysa Terkeurst said," God develops our character to match our callings. To ask God each day what is my assignment today." God isa God of order!
As I've stepped towards my dream and involved with creating this ministry, God is equipping me to be a leader. He's showing me how to delegate and organize lists. If you knew me at all..... You know this is not a natural characteristic of mine. The beauty is I'm able to see God at work through me.
Are you struggling with not feeling equipped for your calling? The best news is God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called. Start asking Him what areas you're fearful of or feel not qualified in. He will show you in ways you can't imagine how He's preparing you for what He's called you for.
I hope these time tips are helping you gain confidence you were created for this journey He's put you on, and that there are many resources out there to help you.
Here is today's time tip comes from Katie! I've met her through a Facebook group called Dream Chasers.
I've started using Trello for my to do lists, especially at work. I also use Pocket like you wouldn't believe, haha. I save articles and such to Pocket from Facebook, Twitter, Feedly, etc. and then use pockets of time to read them as needed.
Pocket (www.getpocket.com)
Pocket is a website and app that allows you to save links to your "queue" to read later (hence why, at one point, it was called "Read It Later"). It integrates with Feedly (my reader of choice ever since Google Reader bit the dust), as well as Twitter. I love Pocket because I'm often checking Twitter or Feedly in the little pockets of time in my day - waiting on a meeting to start, taking a quick break, etc., and Pocket allows me to save things to read in one big batch later. Plus, you can tag and organize things you've saved!
Trello (www.trello.com)
Oh, Trello...my new lifesaver, especially at work. I work in higher education, and I have a lot of tasks or projects that have "soft" deadlines - basically meaning I have a big list of things that need to get done at some point. Before I found Trello, I was writing color-coded to do lists at work - one color for "urgent" tasks, one color for tasks that needed to get done this week, this month, etc...and I was spending a lot of time rewriting to do lists! Enter Trello, which allows you to create organizations, boards, and cards. I find Trello really hard to describe without seeing it visually, so I've attached a couple of photos. The first is of the main Trello page after you log in. I've created
two organizations - one for my work (I work with an honors program at a university) and one for my personal life. In each, I have a variety of boards, and within the boards, I have my action items on cards. The second photo shows my "This Week" board and items I'm working on. You can move cards between boards, add checklists to cards, and do many more things that I don't even know about yet!
Katie is a twentysomething living in Kentucky and working at her dream job. She's a proud cat momma and Southern belle, an avid sports fan, and a chronic live-tweeter of the Bachelor and Bachelorette. You can usually find her with a coffee or a Diet Coke and blogging at