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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Allowing Yourself A Time Out

Have you ever been in the middle of a huge decision and your brain won't stop screaming and chattering?

Which college should I pick? Should I buy this house? Is this a good investment? Is this church the place for me?

And if it's not enough that the questions you keep asking yourself overtake your head, suddenly your heart decides to get involved and joining the conversations.

What will my friends and family think? Will I let them down if I make the "wrong" decision? 

I recently went through this torture fight of back and forth questions. All I could hear was noise. I felt tense, overwhelmed, and no peace. I was trying to make the best decision and was struggling knowing what that was. I appreciated the wisdom and advice was given. But I also heard a lot of opinions.

What I needed was a time out!

Time to allow myself to process all I was feeling and wondering. I needed to find a place and time I could sit alone and hear nothing but God. 

It's ok to give yourself space. To allow the advice, wisdom, and opinions to quiet for a moment so that you can hear the only voice that matters. 

When I gave myself a time out, do you know what I found?

Peace. Encouragement. Courage.

Peace that passes all my understanding. Encouragement that I could and would make the best decision possible. Courage to do what I knew needed to be done.

The next time you are in a process that feels so overwhelming..... Take a time out.

It will do your heart and mind wonders!

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